Saturday, February 11, 2017

Five Things Friday

The five little things that made my week…

Iman the Golden Laced Cochin

1. Confession: This little ball of cuteness rivals the other cuteness toddling in the house right now.

Backyard mandarin tree

2. If and when I ever move out of California, I’ll miss the abundance of winter citrus growing in my backyard the most.

Seedlings in the window

3. Next to harvesting, seed starting is my favorite thing about gardening. The satisfaction from watching a tiny seed the size of a pinhead grow into something much, much greater thrills me every time.

Pink peppercorns before harvest

4. Ever since I learned about pink peppercorn trees a few years ago, I see them everywhere: in the neighbors’ yard, up the street from my house, all over the sides of the road in my coastal community, and along city medians and sidewalks where I least expect them. I think I used to assume they were willow trees, but this time of year, the clusters of pink berries that fill the branches make them unmistakable. If you live near a tree, now is the ideal time to stock up your spice jar!

Homemade French onion soup

5. We’ve had an amazingly wet winter so far in California, combined with plenty of cold and gloomy days. I’m loving this genuinely wintry weather and all the comfort foods that go with it, like the steaming pot of French onion soup I made and ate all. day. long.

The CSA Cookbook makes a great gift for the garden lover and whole-foods cook. Buy it on Amazon or get a personally signed copy directly from my online store!

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