Saturday, July 9, 2016

Balsamic Strawberry Jam on Freshly Preserved Ideas

Balsamic strawberry jam on Freshly Preserved Ideas

The strawberries at my local farmers' markets are going strong right now, and I can never resist picking up a few baskets after the vendors ply me with samples and smiles. My favorite way to eat them is right out of hand, or sometimes crushed with a little sugar and ice.

But seasonal strawberries are fleeting, so I try to save a bit of that fresh, fruity flavor for winter when I'm longing for summer berries. This balsamic strawberry jam adds a savory note to the traditional preserve, making it suitable for charcuterie spreads as well as grilled pork tenderloin, fruit vinaigrette, and anywhere you want a rich, bold flavor with a touch of sweetness. Get the recipe here!

Fresh strawberries

Hulling strawberries

Crushing strawberries

Savory strawberry jam

This is the second recipe I've developed for Ball Canning. (If you missed the first one for quick pickled roasted beets, you can find it here.) All summer long, I'll be sharing a series of simple recipes for preserving your favorite produce, some with no boiling water bath needed! You can find more recipes on their Tumblr page, Freshly Preserved Ideas, and their newly launched interactive canning map.

We have a busy and exciting month ahead because on July 22, 2016, I'll be hosting a special Facebook Live event in partnership with Ball Canning to celebrate their sixth annual International Can-It-Forward Day. My event will benefit Enrich LA, a local nonprofit that builds edible gardens for schools, so be sure to mark July 22 on your calendar, "like" Garden Betty on Facebook, and watch the event when it happens at 11 am PST. Stay tuned for more details in the coming week!

This post is brought to you by Ball Canning. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Garden Betty.

'Tis the season for beautiful summer produce! The CSA Cookbook will help you cook your way through a CSA box, farmers' market basket, or backyard bounty. Buy it on Amazon or get a personally signed copy directly from my online store!

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