Thursday, July 30, 2020

What Causes Carpet to Buckle?

Did you know that carpet wrinkles can be a fall hazard? Once you notice lumps on the surface of your carpet, you should have it stretched right away. Here are some of the top reasons why carpets buckle:  

Improper Padding

Low quality carpet and padding may save you some money up front, but in the long run, it can cost you. It is a good idea to check the manufacture’s specifications for padding. This will vary depending on the type of carpet you purchase.

For example, if you are purchasing a cut pile carpet, you will want padding that is no greater than seven-sixteenths of an inch thick and no less than a six-pound density. Again, check with the manufacturer for the specs for your specific carpet. Selecting the improper padding can void the manufacturer’s warranty and lead to your carpet becoming wrinkled and rippled. Source: AngiesList

Heavy foot traffic or furniture

A carpet with no cuts or damage can still require a stretching. If you look down at the carpet, it may have visible lumps and wrinkles from years of use. For example, moving a long-standing piece of heavy furniture to another area can cause the carpet to warp in the original area. Lumps and wrinkles will appear throughout the rest of the carpet body in response to furniture and foot traffic. If necessary, you can crouch down and look at the top of the carpet; if it looks like a bumpy, mountainous surface, it will require stretching. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate

Water Damage

Just as too much moisture in the air can cause a carpet to buckle, so can too much moisture in the carpet itself. Carpet that has become overly wet, as the result of flooding or improper steam cleaning, is extremely susceptible to stretching. Because of the risk associated with over wetting, it is advisable to have your carpets professionally cleaned, rather than doing it yourself with a rented machine. Source: TheSpruce

Let us help you avoid any accidents by re-stretching your carpet back to its pristine condition. Call us today to book an appointment!

The post What Causes Carpet to Buckle? appeared first on Curlys Carpet Repair.

from Curlys Carpet Repair

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

3 Signs of a Failing Roof

Taking time to check your roofing should be a part of your seasonal home maintenance routine. It will help you catch signs that could potentially cause huge problems later on, such as the following:

If you can’t see any telltale flow marks and the ceiling stain is fairly small, look at the underside of the roof for ‘shiners.’ A shiner is a nail that missed the framing member. Moisture that escapes into the cold attic from the rooms below often condenses on cold nails. Sometimes you can spot this if you climb up into your attic on a cold night. The nails will look white because they’re frosted. When the attic heats up a bit during the day, the frost melts and drips, then the nails frost up at night again and so on. The solution is to simply clip the nail with a side-cutting pliers. Source: FamilyHandyman

Damaged flashing
The flashing around vents, skylights, and chimneys seals the seams of the roof from rain and weather. Examine these points make sure there are no cracks or breaks, which could lead to leaks. In older homes, flashing is often made of roof cement or tar, but it’s a good idea to upgrade to a metal flashing system for added durability. Source: BobVila

Moss on the roof is more harmful than beautiful. Its spores collect between shingles, growing and spreading to form mats a few inches thick. These mats store rainwater, which wicks underneath shingles, soaks the underlayment and, if unchecked, rots the roof sheathing.

If you have moss, remove it. An air broom works nicely. Don’t power wash the roof, because that can drive water underneath the shingles or tiles. Once the moss is gone, apply a chemical treatment or zinc or copper solution to kill any remaining moss spores. Alternatively, install zinc or copper strips at the roof’s peak to kill moss in the coming decades. When reroofing, consider shingles with built-in moss inhibitors. Source: Nationwide

If you have any roof-related concerns, we’re here to help you out. Call us today and get a free estimate!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8296 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4C6
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD

Friday, July 24, 2020

Watch Out For These Home Maintenance Mistakes!

Maintaining a home is a chore, but being consistent with it can actually help you save thousands of dollars on repairs. As a homeowner, it’s best to avoid doing the following:

Watch Out For These Home Maintenance Mistakes

Ignoring leaks

The smallest plumbing leak can compound over time and lead to a costly repair. Water damage can cause hardwood and laminate floors to warp, create a breeding ground for mold and mildew, and stain walls and ceilings.

If you suspect your pipes are leaking, you need to call a plumber to get the problem fixed before it leads to even bigger plumbing problems.

The same is true foroof leaks. If you notice any water dripping or stains on your ceiling, call a roofer to assess the situation. Source: AngiesList

Underestimating the project

Installing your own carpeting, hardwood, or ceramic tile may seem like an accessible DIY project, but it’s not as easy as it looks. You could run into rotted subfloor under the old flooring, or your measurements could be off by just a bit, leaving you with a floor that looks bad—or worse, one that’s not structurally sound. Source: BobVila

Damaging surfaces with incorrect cleaning supplies

Using these products in the wrong places could permanently damage fixtures and surfaces in your home:

  • Vinegar: People prefer using vinegar to clean their homes because it’s cheap and natural, but it can’t be used to clean all surfaces in your home. Using vinegar on surfaces like marble and limestone will dull it. Similarly, cleaning hardwood with vinegar can damage the finish. Do your research before scrubbing everything with a homemade vinegar solution.
  • Liquid drain cleaner: Liquid drain cleaners can be a godsend when it comes to pesky clogs, but it must be used sparingly. If your home has older pipes or pipes made of PVC, there’s a chance the cleaner will eat through those as well, leading to expensive leaks and repairs.
  • Magic erasers: These handy sponges are perfect for removing scuff marks from walls, but scrubbing them on the wrong surfaces will magically remove sealants and finishes. Avoid using them on stone surfaces, stainless steel, hardwoods, and screens in your home. Source: HomeLight 

Carpet problems are difficult to deal with if you don’t have the right tools. And renting the equipment can be just as pricey as hiring a contractor. If you want a cheaper and a more hassle-free solution to your carpet needs, give us a call!

The post Watch Out For These Home Maintenance Mistakes! appeared first on Curlys Carpet Repair.

from Curlys Carpet Repair

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Metal vs. Asphalt: Which Roofing Material Should You Choose?

In a previous blog, we’ve debunked the myths about metal roofing and shown you why it’s a great option for your dream home. Now, we will see how it compares with one of the most popular materials out there—asphalt shingles.

Though you’ll get more life out of a metal roof, you’ll pay the price at the time of installation. Metal roofs generally can run from $120 to $900 per 100 square feet (one 10-foot by 10-foot area, or a “square” of material), while asphalt shingles will be between $100 and $200 per 100 square feet. Its installation will also run you more for metal since it’s a more specialized job.

You may recoup some of the costs of a metal roof down the road, because you likely won’t ever have to replace it. Additionally, insurance companies may offer discounts to homes with metal roofs. You may even qualify for tax credits by installing a metal roof on your primary home. Finally, metal roofs are so energy efficient they can save you money in monthly heating and cooling costs. Source: BobVila

Energy Efficiency
A metal roof will lower your energy bills by about 40 percent in the summer. The reflective surface lessens the transfer of heat into the home. On the other hand, asphalt shingles absorb the sun’s heat, transferring it through the roof to the home, making the home’s cooling system work harder. This is why asphalt shingles are recommended more strongly for temperate climates.

In winter, asphalt shingles perform better, using the heat absorbed from the winter sunlight to make the home much warmer. However, metal roofs also perform well in winter. The year-round energy usage will still be lower with metal than with asphalt.

Even so, some asphalt shingle styles are designated as cool roofs and join some metal roofs in carrying an Energy Star rating for higher energy efficiency. These roofing materials are certified to reflect more of the sun’s energy, lowering the roof’s temperature by up to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Even though other factors can affect the amount of savings offered, they can decrease demand on the home’s cooling systems at peak times by 10 to 15 percent.

To offset the cost of installing a new roof, you can look for Energy Star certified asphalt shingles or metal roofs. When using these energy-efficient materials, 10 percent of the materials cost, up to $500, can be received as an energy credit. Source: Fixr

Some metal roofs come with warranties of up to 50 years, but can literally last for hundreds of years, whereas traditional roofs typically last 10 to 20 years. Metal roofs aren’t as vulnerable to hail, wind and fire damage and some insurance companies even offer discounts on homeowner’s policies due to metal’s storm-resistant properties. Source: AngiesList

Which one do you like better? If you can’t decide between the two, we can help you pick the roofing material that suits your budget and needs. Contact us for a free estimate!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8296 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4C6
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD

Friday, July 17, 2020

Tips on Living with the Old Carpet in Your Rental Home

Do you hate the outdated carpet in your home, but can’t just rip it out because you’re only renting? Here are some things you can do to improve its look:

Tips on Living with the Old Carpet in Your Rental Home

Have it deep cleaned

Check your landlord’s policy on how often cleaning is done. Most will guarantee that they are cleaned between tenants, and some have an additional every two year policy. So if you’re just moving in, do a sight and smell check (as in get down on your hands and knees and sniff!) to make sure they are in decent condition before unpacking all your gear. If your landlord refuses to step up to the cleaning plate, it’s worth shelling out the money to have it done yourself. If smells persist try back peeling back the carpet in an inconspicuous spot to check the carpet pad, which is often the source of the problem since it can’t be cleaned. If there is a serious layer of dirt-like substance, it might be the case that the carpet pad has broken down, in which case it’s back to the landlord. Source: ApartmentTherapy

Use an area rug

Cover all — or at least most — of that ugly carpet using an area rug. One large area rug per room can cover a majority of the carpeting beneath it. If the original carpeting still shows around the perimeter of the room, select rugs that contain neutrals or colors that coordinate with the original floor covering. For instance, if the carpeting is dark green, a beige area rug with a thin green line or vine pattern makes the carpet look a little less hideous. You can also make your own area rug large enough to fit the room by purchasing a carpet remnant, binding the edges with carpet binding and seam tape. Source: Hunker

Dye the carpet new

Covering, hiding, and camouflaging are great ways to salvage a distasteful carpet that you can’t replace, but there are other approaches you can take. For example, you can dye your carpet to restore faded color, fix spot and stains, or even change the color to a different shade or hue. Before considering this solution, make sure your carpet is made of the right fabric. Nylon and wool carpets can be dyed, but polyester, acrylic, and polypropylene cannot. While dyeing a carpet yourself will be lighter on the wallet, the project could have mixed results. For a quality finish, think about hiring a professional, which should set you back about a third of the cost of having the carpet replaced. Source: BobVila

We can help make any dingy carpet look new again. Call us for a free estimate!

The post Tips on Living with the Old Carpet in Your Rental Home appeared first on Curlys Carpet Repair.

from Curlys Carpet Repair

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Debunking Common Myths about Metal Roofing

Are you thinking about installing a new roof at home? If you’re thinking twice about considering metal as your material of choice, it’s probably because of the misconceptions surrounding it. Today, you’ll discover why metal can be one of your best options.

Metal Roofing

Myth: Lower energy cost
This is not necessarily true. If your home has inadequate insulation, air leaks and windows that are not energy efficient, installing a metal roof will not likely lower your heating bills. It is important to remember there are many factors that contribute to your home’s overall energy usage.

Myth: No resale value
This is not true! Metal roofs are actually highly valued. Homes renovated with standing-seam metal roofing recoup on average 85.9-percent of costs nationally and up to 95.5% for homes in the Eastern states, according to Remodeling Magazine. These gains in resale value amount to 1- and 6-percent, respectively, over homes roofed with asphalt shingles.

Myth: Metal roofs are loud
False. Typically, metal roofs are even quieter than an asphalt shingle roof. Metal roofs are usually installed with solid sheathing attached to the underlayment, which helps reduce noise. Source: AngiesList

Myth: Less durable
This couldn’t be farther from the truth! Metal roofs can withstand hurricane-force, 140-mile-per-hour winds and extreme storms.

Quality roofs stand up to hail and hold up under heavy snow and ice loads. Naturally, metal is a top choice for areas prone to severe weather and wildfires.

Myth: Harmful to the environment
Actually, quality metal roofing can last you more than 50 years (almost three times longer than other materials) and can be recycled rather than dumped into a landfill.

Quality roof coatings resist moss and fungus, which means lower long-term maintenance and fewer chemical treatments that can harm the environment. Source: TodaysHomeOwner

Myth: Easily damaged by hail
While extremely large hailstones can dent a metal roof, normal-size hail will not. With textured roofs, minor denting is even less readily visible. Source: BobVila

Roofing is an expensive investment. Aside from picking the best material, you should also let only the most experienced professionals do the installation, so you don’t have any problems later on. Call us today for a free estimate!


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8296 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4C6
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD

Friday, July 10, 2020

Is it Time to Replace Your Carpet?

If you’ve been thinking for a while whether it’s time to install new carpet at home, you might want to look out for these signs:

Irregularities in shape

If your carpet’s pile once stood tall but now looks flat and matted in some areas no matter how hard you try to remedy the situation, the carpet may be past its prime. Polyester and olefin fibers are prone to matting, especially in the areas walked upon the most. Even Berber carpeting made from looped fibers may succumb to matting over time. If you’ve cleaned, combed and done all you could to fluff old carpeting back up, but nothing seems to help, it’s time to replace the carpet. A carpet that seems stretched beyond its original shape, creating ripples, warps and tripping points throughout the room, is also ready for replacement. Source: Hunker

Allergies getting worse

It can be difficult to remove dust, pet dander and pollen that embeds in carpet fibers over time. If you or your loved ones notice more sneezing, itchy eyes or coughing, it may be that the problem is beneath your feet. The Mayo Clinic recommends using a vacuum with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter or opting for linoleum or hardwood if you’re truly concerned. Source: SeattleTimes

Foul odor despite deep cleaning

If you notice that deep cleans just aren’t banishing the bad smells, that likely means the issue isn’t in your carpet alone — it could be in the padding or floor beneath the carpet. How you handle the problem depends on the type of smell. If your pet is the root cause of the issue, you’ll likely need a full replacement. If you notice a musty smell, that could mean you have a water or mold problem. In that case, carpet replacement may be necessary after a mold remediation specialist takes a look at things. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate

If you’re still a little hesitant due to the price tag that comes with replacing your old carpet, give us a call and let’s see whether we can still make it look like new!

The post Is it Time to Replace Your Carpet? appeared first on Curlys Carpet Repair.

from Curlys Carpet Repair

Thursday, July 9, 2020

How to Build a Low-Maintenance Home

Are you looking to build your forever home anytime soon? If you have the budget, follow these easy tips that will allow you to save more money in the long run.

Go for stainless steel or copper gutters
As a rule, gutters are not considered low maintenance, especially if the house is close to trees. Periodically, gutters must be cleared of leaves and other debris so that they can drain properly.

Generally, metal gutters made from thin stock don’t last as long as those made from the more expensive heavier-gauge material. Also, seamless gutters have fewer leaks than do segmented types. Source: ThisOldHouse

Get a metal roof
Metal roofing is one of the toughest, most maintenance-free roofing materials made. In addition to the traditional standing seam panels — the ones with ridges running from the peak to the eave — today’s metal roofing includes products that mimic slate, clay tiles, and wood shakes.

Metal roofing also is extremely fire-resistant — in a fire-prone area, having a metal roof may qualify you for a discount on homeowners insurance.

Why it’s low-maintenance: Most metal roofing comes with a 40- to 50-year warranty, and the replacement cycle is almost three times longer than that of three-tab asphalt shingles.

Look for baked-on enamel finishes with rust-proof undercoating that are warranted for the life of the product. The finish won’t crack or shed like asphalt, meaning you won’t be scooping those little granules out of the gutter every spring and fall. Source: HouseLogic

Choose composite over traditional wood
Traditional wood decking must be sealed annually, and even then it can splinter and warp. Composite lumber decking, on the other hand, combines wood particles and plastic to achieve the look of wood with far less maintenance. Impervious to insects, rot, mildew, and stains, this composite lumber requires only an occasional hose-down to keep it looking good—after which you can go right back to lounging on your deck. Source: BobVila

Good materials only make one part of the factors that contribute to a long-lasting home. Proper installation is another. So if you want to make sure that you don’t waste your investment, call us! We’ll take care of the process for you.


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8296 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4C6
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD