Monday, March 18, 2019

Healthier (simple!) Snacks for Kids!

Life with kids can get crazy hectic. Who’s ever been out running errands with your littles and totally lost track of time and suddenly realized that if you don’t get a snack in those kids soon, you’re going to have a full-on meltdown on your hands at any minute?

I know I have, and I know I’ve been tempted by the ease and convenience of that fast food drive-thru right around the corner. But, don’t worry! Quick and easy snacks don’t have to be junk food!

Snacking and empty calories don’t have to go hand in hand. Opting for healthy snacks is easier and tastier than you may have ever imagined. All it takes is mixing and matching and some creativity and you’ll have snacks that are both healthy and appealing. Healthy snacks can be created for people of all ages from children to adults with a wide variety of tastes with less effort than you may first think.

Healthy kid-friendly snack ideas…

-Turkey and Cheese Wrap-

Fill a whole wheat tortilla with low-fat turkey and your favorite low-fat cheese. Skip the mayonnaise and use plenty of fresh veggies like lettuce and tomatoes instead. This snack will definitely tide you over until mealtime with a great deal fewer calories than a packaged snack.

-Fruit Salad-

Cut up your favorite fruit and drizzle it with lemon juice as a natural preservative. Put it in small containers or bags in the fridge to make it a snack that is just as convenient as high fat, high-calorie convenience snacks.

-Ants on a Log-

Cut up fresh celery into small pieces and top with either low-fat cream cheese or peanut butter and top with raisins. Kids love making and eating this one, a great way to get them interested in healthy snack creation.  Throw it into an airtight container or wrap it in foil for later. 

-Trail Mix-

Mix some dry low-sugar cereal with dried nuts and raisins and maybe throw in some other dried fruit as well and you’ll have a healthy mix that’ll keep you energized in-between meals for sure.

-Tortilla Chips and Salsa-

Pair low-fat, low-salt baked tortilla chips with your favorite salsa. It is a spicy, tasty favorite that you can enjoy without packing on the pounds.   

-Fruit Smoothie-

Combine your favorite cut-up fresh fruit and non-fat plain yogurt in a blender for a tasty, filling smoothie treat.

-Cracker Snackers-

Pair whole-grain, low-sodium crackers with low-fat cheese, lean sandwich meat, tuna, or peanut butter for a crunchy snack that you can vary greatly to make it interesting every time.

-Chocolate Dipped Strawberries-

Yes, there is a somewhat healthy way to ease that chocolate craving. Dip strawberries or other berries in melted dark chocolate for both fun and delectable chocolate lovers’ delight.

-Cheesy Fruit Kabobs-

Alternate chunks of fresh fruit with cubes of low-fat cheese on a toothpick or skewer stick for a tasty, fun snack with a stylish appearance.

Snacking can be both quick and healthy. Healthy snacking is key to good health, peak performance, and sets a great example for younger children. The ideas above are all great starts on the trend towards healthier snacking, however, the possibilities are endless. Think of all your favorite healthy snacks and think of interesting and fun ways that you can put them together to make a tasty creation. You just may be surprised what you come up with little effort and a lot of creativity!

The post Healthier (simple!) Snacks for Kids! appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

from Kids Activities Blog

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